Friday, January 11, 2013

What Story Line Would You Like to See in the AMC and OLTL Relaunches?

All My Children

I would love to see Tad Martin (Michael E Knight) become a lady's man again, Tad the Cad, showing that sexy is not mutually exclusive to young. I would love to see Dixie Cooney Martin (Cady McClain), Dr Cara Castillo (Lindsay Hartley), Crystal Carey (Bobbie Eakes) and Brooke English (Juia Barr) all take a romantic interest in Tad at the same time and allow Tad to go back to his Cad roots just for a little while. Who would I like to see him end up with? May the best ex win!

One Life to Live

I would love to see Tina Lord Roberts (Andrea Evans) come back to Llanview and stir up the kind of trouble only Tina could stir up. I would love to see her with a daughter we never knew about who is just as much a spitfire as Tina to stir the Llanview pot. That would be so delicious as she played off of the young, unsuspecting male Llanview characters.

and it goes without saying I would LOVE to see Roxy Balsom (Ilene Kristen) champion Fraternity Row's return. I would also love to see Roxy in a serious, yet quirky (could there be any other kind with Roxy?) romantic relationship.


  1. My oltl dream would be to see RH TODD interact with his brother TSJ victor again. What a pair they could be wrecking havoc in llanview and fighting over the women in their lives

  2. For OLTL I would love if Blair (Kassie DePaiva)dumped Tomas (Ted King), and decided to remain single and independent, she brings back Melador Cosmetics and combines it with Craze magazine. She also puts Jack (Andrew Trischitta) in counseling to help him with his issues. The subject of Shane Morasco (Austin Williams) comes up again and we learn the REAL reason why Jack targeted Shane. Meanwhile, Tina Lord Roberts (Andrea Evans) reappears in Llanview and tells Viki (Erika Slezak), her and Cord's (John Loprieno) son CJ, is Missing in Action.

  3. I would love to see Bo and Nora adjusting to life as grandparents and along with Destiny's parents deal with the real world scenarios of grandparents raising grandchildren when babies have babies. Also want to see Jessica and Brodg work their way back to each other with Vicki ensuring Jess' alters being integrated once and for all?

  4. I would love to see Bianca and Marissa not be the ones who got shot, by JR, in the ABC finale. It would be very good for a same sex couple to find love and raise a family in that love. And seeing as how 2012 was pretty much obliterated by death and destruction (Sandy Hook and the super storm), it do the American people some good to see this as a light at the end of a very long tunnel.

    For OLTL, my heart would jump out of my chest if Victor and Todd were face to face again. I could also go for the Balsom's and the Buchanan's having some reunions in either England or Llanview. And you can't really have the whole Buchanan clan without Victoria. As for what storyline to use, I'm going to leave that up to the one and only higher authority on the matter: Agnes Nixon.

  5. Those are all such great ideas! I would like to see David and Cara raising their baby, and see the softer side of David, although his dastardly ways should always be close to the surface. I'd like to see Tad with Dixie. Since David Canary lives near where they'll be filming, it would be wonderful to see Adam and Stuart back on the canvas.
    On OLTL, I want to see how Alison Perkins ended up with Victor, have him escape, and have some Todd & Victor confrontations. I'm happy with Todd & Starr on GH, and hope they can stay there. It would be nice if they could visit Llanview now and then, if ABC & PP would be willing to cooperate. I would like John McBain to return to OLTL and be reunited with Natalie & Liam. Natalie might be involved with someone else by this time, so there could be a triangle, and John would have to fight for her. I definitely want to see Roxy in whatever story they come up with. And I hope lots of the Buchanans are part of the new OLTL, especially Viki.
