Monday, February 25, 2013

How Does AMC and OLTL Going Back Into Production Today Make You Feel?

There are so many feelings today – joy, happiness, amazement, victory, and a feeling of returning home. Knowing our beloved Pine Valley and Llanview are bustling with activity, stories, and characters once again is heartwarming for millions of fans.

How does the return to production of these two iconic shows make you feel?


  1. Wow are you kidding? It feels great and so exciting! Looking forward to seeing all my old friends in my living room again. Is there any start date yet? Sooooo excited!

  2. I am happy and excited and proud.
    When I finally get to SEE the first show back...I am sure that I will feel all those same feelings - but I believe I will be overcome with tears at the same time. :)

  3. I am anxious and excited and a little bit nervous. It's quite a trip to go from 1 hour to 30 minutes, then to go from a wrongful ending to 5 years later, and then to go from the tv to the computer screen. While I am willing to accept that the internet may just be a necessary venue for AMC and OLTL, before a television network decides to pick up the tab, I am hopeful that the people will honor and respect the shows and the characters we've fought so hard for. I've been saying this for a long time: We, the people, have the power to be the change that we want to see in the world. Make it happen, America!
