Monday, February 6, 2012

What Is/Was Your Favorite Soap Set?

Soap: All My Children

Set: The Chandler Mansion

Chandler Mansion Living Room
I have always loved the intrigue of the Chandler mansion.  I loved the grand staircase in the middle of the set for years, with its dual stage left and right paths.  It made everyone who came down it majestic and oozed of over-the-top opulence.

The secret passages were a story in themselves.  I always enjoyed when they used them in storylines, especially when a character did not know about them.  I always thought there could have been more stories about them like they lead to a tunnel that lead to a mysterious ongoing storyline.

The patio off the living room and the Chandler estate grounds were another feature of the estate that I always loved seeing.  The patio was often used as the place to drop bombshells.

The one thing that always perplexed me about the Chandler mansion was how with its state-of-the-art security, anyone could show up there uninvited at anytime.


  1. For me, it's a tie between Todd's penthouse and Viki's cabin on Llantano Mt. The cabin seemed to go on forever, and I loved all of the wood and Indian blankets.

  2. I always loved the Lord Library, and the adjacent secret room(s.) While the library in and of itself was always an experiment in understated elegance (except after Tina's 1980's redecoration) the secrets behind the bookcase demonstrated in a very physical way the manifestation of Viki's DID. The secrets behind the wall and down the spiral staircase were there, but almost nobody knew it...kind of like Viki's alters...always there, beneath the surface, but the french doors leading to the patio and grounds always offered a way out (or in, for evil passers-by, as the case may have been.) And seriously, what is up with the fact that the wealthiest residents of Llanview or Pine Valley not being able to keep out intruders?

    1. Yes! The Lord library was a character in and of itself! ... and how true! It really was a metaphor for Vicki's DID!

  3. My favorite set has to be Bo and Nora's old barn house on OLTL. It was just the kind of house that you could feel at home in and one you would never want to leave.

    1. Yes! The old barn house - I want to live there!

  4. Loved the farm on ATWT. And the Spaulding Mansion on GL & of course the Chandler Mansion & you're right, they owned jets & had maids but could never keep their worst enemies from walking in unannounced.

    1. Yes, LOVE farms!!! The Spaulding Mansion is a classic!

  5. When Dimitri took Erica to his home, I can't remember exactly where that was, the castle was so beautiful, as were the views. But I guess that really wasn't a set, huh? I suppose that would be considered to be shot on location, so I would have to say, one of my favorite sets is Vicky's kitchen. Not because it is such a beautiful kitchen or anything, but because so many good moments were had there.

    1. Ah the Hungarian castle Vadzel! Yes, it counts (no pun intended!)

  6. Vicki's Library and the old Martin living room . I can still see Grandma Kate waving goodbye on that porch also.

    1. Vicki's living room is classic! Aw!!! Grandma Kate - yes that porch saw some drama!

  7. It is hard to pick out one set, but as a whole I liked AMC's sets. The stately Chandler Mansion, the Glamamous Erica Kane Penthouse, Fusion and Confusion!! I loved Zack and Kendall's house I could see myself living there. On GH always have loved Kelly's because it is always there and pretty much unchanged (though the table flowers change) it is just a nice neighborhood hangout!

    1. Zack and Kendall's house was like going over a friend's house! Loved that set!!! Kelly's is also a classic - yes - a nice neighborhood hangout!

  8. It's hard to pick one, but I think my all time favorite was Wildwind. The stables, the grounds, the chapel, the crypt, and the house itself were amazing! Remember when Julia, Jamie, Di, Del, Amanda, Annie (& I've probably forgotten someone) all lived there? It had to be enormous!

    Zach & Kendall's house is a place I'd like to live in myself, and Viki's library was gorgeous!

    1. Wildwind! I forgot about the stables and crypt! How could I!?

  9. My favorite set ever, since I was a little girl, is Tom & Alice Horton's living room. Always reminded me of being at my grandparents house..those were special times.

    1. Oh WOW! Their living room felt like every Grandparent's loving home!

  10. For me it is definetly Bo & Nora's farm house! Warm, romantic and charming! Second place would go to Rick & Lesley's old place on GH...always so bright and cheery and loved how the kitchen was off to the left of the front door...just always wanted a house like that!

    1. Bo & Nora's farmhouse is a favorite of posters!

  11. The runway and showroom on The Bold And The Beautiful. I love them because they're glamorous and lot's of drama goes down there.
    Also the Den at the Quartermaine Estate because i used to love watching them bicker & argue and the drama & romance that happened in there

  12. WOW! I've gone back and forth on this one. Wildwind was my fave of all time especially since I always referred to it as "Weird Wind". That said, ANY set which was featured as Felicia Gallant's home on Another World stand out for me. Sorry, I'm obsessed with Bay City!

  13. I have a tie Viki's(OLTL)kitchen and Mrs Alice Horton's (DOOL) kitchen.I smell the coffee,laughing and family love. :)

  14. Mine has to be Viki's kitchen and her cottage that all the kids would use from time to time. That cottage is a cute little romantic place for young couples especially when the fireplace is going. Too bad that Nat and John never got to live there instead of that roach-infested hotel room that John's been trapped in for 8 years! LOL!

  15. The daytime serials have always had amazing sets and places the characters called home. There are several places that stand out. In the realm of lavish and flashy, I would have to say Felicia Gallants apartment on AW. It was always modern, classy and it suited the beautiful personality that Felicia.

    The home of which there are so many to choose from. I loved Viki's kitchen and Llanfiar living room on OLTL. I also liked the living room in the house that Blair lived in and they seemed to perfectly contrast the differences we see in people and society. Nevertheless both places always gave the sense of home when the Mannings, Cramers or Buchanans gathered for events of great joy, struggles and sorrow. I also loved the Horton house on Days especially Alice's kitchen and living room.

    There are places of public gathering I always enjoyed: Shenanigans and Brady Fish Market / Pub on Days. What a great place for friends and family to gather. On OLTL, I loved Rodi's and Roxy's hair salon. It showed the pulse of life and never seemed to overwhelm the characters that chose to play in those settings. I also liked Big's pub on SFT,

  16. I would have to say that my most favorite set on a soap will always be the Snyder farm (ATWT). I think it was because it was always a place that could seem like home.
