Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Where Would You Like to See a Currently Shelved Soap Storyline Pick Up If It Returned to Production?

All My Children Cast
Soap:  All My Children

Storyline: JR Shooting through the secret passage

I would like to see JR grabbed from behind as he fires the gun into the Chandler living room from the secret passage.  The person who does it is a blast from Pine Valley's past and what first appears to be this person helping JR, turns out to be something very different and completely unexpected.

Thank you Silas Kain for suggesting this Assignment!  I hope everyone has as much fun with this one as I did!


  1. Maybe it could be Bennie Sago that grabbed JR.

    OLTL I'd like to see a big soapy wedding for John and Natalie UNinterrupped just a nice beautiful drama free wedding, maybe some minor b stories for a little drama...Matthew trying to change a diaper LOL, Then maybe some real dramatic drama on the the honeymoon, John and Natalie could have some adventure and romance.

  2. Mine would be OLTL - Matthew trying to live up to "being a Buchanan" and adjusting to and/or resenting teen parenthood, moving on in his school career and what part Bo, Nora, Destiny and the Evans family would be in that. I'd love to see Clint and Vicki rebuilding their lives together while encouraging Jessica to move on and be a strong independent SINGLE mother for a while, but not forgetting her reconciled friendship with Brody - who turns out to be Ryder's biological father. Natalie and John taking on a sort of "Hart to Hart" mystery solving marrieds life style, with Liam in tow. Rex, Gigi and Shane taking over London and making it their home away from home, complete with opening their own diner!

  3. It has to be OLTL - and the fatherhood of Matthew Buchanan.

  4. I would like to see that JR shoot some one in the bunch and they had dreamed the Brian Frons era in AMC.Like to see Adam and his brother back (if even occassionally) and some of those lose to us in Frons stupid era.

  5. OLTL I would like Gigi,Rex and Shane all to be there together.John and Natalie with their baby.Vicki and Clint happy with their children.Both Todd's and Tea with one leave the other open and Tomas on the show.Bo, Nora and Mathew with their grandchild.

  6. For me, it is OLTL. I have waited 8 long years to see John and Natalie get some happiness and family time, complete with marriage, cottage with white picket fence, a swing set in the back yard with a couple of kids running around and LOTS of romance and adventure being the ace detectives of Llanview. Can you imagine if they got this kind of writing? Yeah, the reunion at the end was fabulous but it was too short and their love story should continue! I need to see that adorable baby Liam back on my TV screen. He's probably almost ready to walk!

  7. I would love to see One Life to Live return. The stories could pick up with McBain going after Todd. During this time other stories could focus on Todd's actions in helping Cole escape, Matthew's fatherhood and perhaps bring back Sarah, CJ and other forgotten OLTL characters to interact with the ones we know and love.
