Show: Another World
Age: 14
Victoria Wyndham as Another World's Rachel Cory |
There were never soap operas in my house growing up. They were thought of and referred to as, "sob stories." At age 14, I met a girl on the school bus, we became friends, and I began spending time at her house after school. She and her older sister watched Another World when they got in the door from school. On occasion when their mother was home in the afternoon, she watched too. That amazed me! I began watching with them. Steve and Alice, Rachel and Mac, I was hooked! It became a regular routine to stop at their house after school before going home so I could catch Another World.
I was 8 when I first started watching AMC and OLTL. My babysitter watched them and that's how I got interested in them.
ReplyDeleteGood question... I remember being very young and soaps being on the tv and I mean early 70's I was born in 67. I can't even say when I started to watch regular they've just always been there. My sister was born in 73 and I know it was before that. lol
ReplyDeleteMy my I remember my Mon watching Edge Of Night. with me peeking around the corner LOL.I really got hooked on GH at 12 loved Jessie,Dr.Hardy with Audrey Hardy.I was hooked and I must say the current GH has me watching the the same episode over and over.Cindy 1951
ReplyDeleteI was 4 and watched General Hospital with my mom and grandma. The first storyline I can remember was the BJ/Maxi heart transplant storyline. I'm now 22. People my age still love soaps! I made my mom record GH on the VCR when I started school! If there was a great storyline on sometimes she'd pick me up from school early to watch with her =)
ReplyDeleteI was 4 when I started watching GH with my mom when it premiered ... and throughout my life I got seriously more interested each year and I went to a professional school that focused on Drama... I auditioned for the role of Brooke English... it was my dream to go opposite Erica Kane. - Loretta Justice
ReplyDeleteI was 13 and it was the summer. I was at a friends house and always had lunch there. Back then there was no cable here. But how I remember falling in Love with All My Children. It was a half hour show then. Ahh, the memories!!
ReplyDeleteI watched soaps with my Mom when I was little she watched Ryan's Hope,GH and AMC. When I was in 7th grade we used to go to a friends house and watch OLTL I was hooked on that show and then got my Mom hooked on it to.. Out of all the soaps OLTL is my favorite always has and always will be!
ReplyDeleteProbably around 10 years old..watched Y&R when it started..was in the hospital and all the nurse's and nurse's aids were watching...Rushed home to see Edge of Night and Dark Shadows...watched Ryan's Hope, AMC, OTLT and GH a few years later..Remember having my mom mail Soap Opera Digest when I was deployed during Desert Storm so I could stay caught up...
ReplyDeleteAbout 12 years old, with my mother. Secret Storm, Edge of Night, Love is a Many Splendored Thing, All My Children until she passed away in 1983. Then I watched it alone until my children were born and grew into them at the age of maybe 10. Daytime will never be the same.
ReplyDeleteI do not remember what age I started watching them. But, I would watch them in the summers and school holidays with my. She always watched GL, ATWT and SFT.
ReplyDeletei was 8 years old started watching DOOL and AW and GH then in 91 i started watching OLTL and AMC and GH. My Nana had me watching what she watched and was hooked at the age of 8
ReplyDeleteYou HAD to bait me on this one, Flo by using the AW logo! I got my start in May, 1964. I was 8 1/2 years old and have been hooked ever since. I was fascinated by the families, inter generational relationships and the drama of it all. It gave me a view of the world to which I was never exposed and I grew up with Irna Phillips' Another World!
ReplyDeleteAha! We have so many things in common - even Another World! Who would have thought! I did think of you and smiled :-)
DeleteBy the time I was five or six, I had already started watching "One Life to Live" religiously, because my mom had been watching it since around 1971, and I quickly caught on. (In fact there are home movies of me when I was an infant, and the show was on in the background, so technically I was watching it even before then...) There are even days I can actually remember watching "Sesame Street" on in the morning, and turning the station to watch "One Life to Live" in the afternoon! I was immediately taken with OLTL, and the whole soap opera form of storytelling.
ReplyDeleteThen, I started watching "All My Children" sporadically, like when I was sick, or over school breaks, and within a few years, I was watching "All My Children" and "General Hospital" on a daily basis as well, and I eventually got my mom hooked on GH too.
I was maybe 11 or 12. For some reason, I was home from school and my mom had a friend over who watched Days of Our Lives. We never watched soaps at our house, but the friend watched it while she was there. I remember it was an episode with Bo, Hope, and Victor on it and someone was electrocuted in a pool. I was hooked from that point forward, much to my parents' dislike! I had to sneak around to watch soaps. lol! No longer a Days fan, after the whole levitating Marlena thing. Now an avid GH fan, and I occasionally watch Y&R.
ReplyDeleteI was prolly was 8years of age I remember my mom watching it with GH with Jessie Brewer,Dianna,Phil, Audrey,Steve,then Jeff and Heather Webber, Luke and Laura and all of the good old days and I watched edge of night and loving,then the city till that went off plus all my children and one life to live for all them years! My aunt and I would fight over the tv at 1pm cuz that is when All My Children came on and she was watching Young and the Restless! She even made fun of me when I cried oven Jenny dying in the Jet skiing accident! Oh how I grew up with the soaps I have watched them pretty much all my life and I am 45 years old and now we are losing the best of the best television on tv today!
ReplyDeleteI started watching around 1963-1964 when my grandmother got me hooked on General Hospital and then One Life To Live. I was about 13.
ReplyDeleteI started watching General Hospital in the summertime when we were off school in the early 60's as we only had three channels to chose from at that time. I watched Dark Shadows from the start and faithfully watched One Life To Live since it's first air date in July 1968. I watched AMC after it started as I was in college and it was the popular thing to do. I really began watching daily though when David Canary (Adam Chandler) was added to the caste. I knew his brother (in fact he was the second guy that ever kissed me) so of course wanted to watch the hometown boy do well. I have always been an ABC soap watcher and attended most of the Soap Opera Weekends in Orlando, it was a great run.
ReplyDeleteDoes in utero count?! I think I was bred on soaps. GH with my mom DAYS with my grandmother and the whole CBS lineup with my aunt. In middle school I switched to Sunset Beach andPassions, but I always found myself going back to GH. By the time SB ended Passions had jumped the shark and switched back over to my old reliable at GH and that's where I've stayed for the last 10 years
ReplyDeleteMy earliest memories are of ANOTHER WORLD around the time of Missy and Bill (the first soap super couple). Missy was on trial for killing Danny Fargo (?) and there was a mystery about the man named Sam.
ReplyDeleteGH is one of the first memories I have of TV. That and John Kennedy being shot. I had 4 older sisters that watched soaps. I remember Payton Place and Dark Shadows. I started watching OLTL the first day it aired. My best friend started watching AMC and asked me if I had watched and saw Phill Brent. I watched the next day, and fell in love. I am talking about the very first Phill Brent, he was beautiful. I am now 52. I want to know what ABC thinks they can come up with to replace this kind of commitment.
ReplyDeleteSince I was in my mother's womb! lol I have watch since I can remember. I have watched Days, Loving, Another World, Santa Barbara, AMC, OLTL, and GH. I watched Soaps with my mother when I had no business watching or understanding of what was going on. I can't imagine the day when I do not have a soap to watch. I will be devastated if my fav GH is canceled! 8(
ReplyDeleteI started watching at age eleven 1989 it started with Days of our lives thanks to my Grandma I would sleep over their house a lot during the summer My grandma may lunch at around ten to 1 in the afternoon,Turned on the tv in the kitchen and said watch this its good.It was Days lets say Is aw stuff I probably should not of at 11 lol.
ReplyDeleteThan it was another world and than Gh and she would record All my children and One life to live.She past in 2004.I still have been watching its 23 years now thanks to VCRS and now the DVRS, they are a big part of my life.
I started watching at around age 4 with Days of Our Lives because that is what my older sister watched. Then I expanded watching to Another World. When I was 11 years old I started watching One Life To Live and General Hospital. Absolutely loved those shows from the moment I started watching them. I started watching AMC when OLTL and AMC did that crossover storyline with the baby switching. Never missed a show! Always taped it on a VHS tape and since DVR came about I always dvr it! I am now 33 yearsl old, so I've been watching soaps for 30 years!!! I love them!!!
ReplyDeleteMy first recollection of soaps was when my Mom was watching Secret Storm and As the World Turns. That was in the early 60's. She probably watched when I was a baby, but I don't remember.. Then came General Hospital. For me it was Dark Shadows, GH and OLTL. My sister was hooked on Another World, so I had to sit thru that one as well (it wasn't my favorite). So I have been watching soaps for the majority of my 56 years.. and PROUD OF IT!
ReplyDeleteI became a die-hard fan of AMC & Loving in the early 80's. After Loving merged into The City, I turned to OLTL and fell in love with it. Basically, I've watched these soaps since I was app. 10 years old. The 1992 Billy Douglas storyline on OLTL literally saved my life! We were both gay teens struggling with homophobia. I wouldn't be writing this post today had it not been for that. The wonderful cast of OLTL has become my family and I am mourning them in the worst way. The only soap I never liked was GH, though I am now watching that because I want to see our soaps survive. These replacement shows are destined to fail. ABC / Disney is boycott as are all of the sponsors. I suspected we were in trouble upon the arrival of that demon, Brian Frons. Why won't ABC do the right thing and give Agnes Nixon her creations back?
ReplyDeleteIn utero! My mom loved the ABC shows & I'm pretty sure I came out recognizing the theme songs to all of them. I'm 37 & have been an avid fan all my life ;)
ReplyDeleteWell, let's see. I am almost 42 years old, I remember my mom having her soap line up everyday, starting with All My Children. It started being our thing when I was 8 years old, I watching along side of her in the summer. During school of course I didn't watch, but I would always come in & ask her what happened on each show. So basically on & off most of my life. I grew up knowing all these characters, it made me so sad when ABC cancelled All My Children & One Life To Life as these were 2 of my mom's favorites. She has since passed away, but I would ALWAYS think of my mom each time I tuned in to "our stories". Thanks for nothing, ABC as I have been supporting the other networks that still show scripted dramas. :)
ReplyDeleteI was prob around 8 or 9 because my first soap was Dallas and Falcon Crest. Can't wait till Dallas shows on TNT.
ReplyDelete(Just found your blog -- yay!!)
ReplyDeleteI remember going to our next door neighbor's house when I was about 4 or 5 to watch Days of Our Lives while my mom and the neighbor did their ironing together. By fourth or fifth grade we had moved and my mom and three sisters and I watched the NBC lineup mostly (my fave was always AW), although I also fell in love with Dark Shadows (I even have the recording that David Selby did of Shadows of the Night somewhere!)and my mom loved Ryan's Hope so I knew those characters, too. In college my friends got me hooked on the ABC lineup so I switched to those and after college still taped GH every day. My favorite soap was Another World, which I watched until the day it ended (and as a reporter in NYC I even got to go on set and do a story -- met Cass and Felicia among others -- HEAVEN!!). Now I'm a GH diehard and since AMC ended I switched back to DOOL, too.